Soon after arriving in Bruges, we ate at Maria's House. Though expensive (but about average for Bruges), Jenny thought it our best meal during our three days in Belgium.
She loved the fried egg topping the crocque madame ($12.35 US), which is a crocque monsieur with fried egg, and the unmatched airiness of the chocolate waffle ($8.50 US), even by Bruges standards.
The rich creaminess of the hot chocolate reminded me of the candy-bar-in-a-cup counterpart we got at LA Burdick in Boston last year.
The apple cake ("cake en koffie") was delicious on its own, but was made even better by the accompanying truckload of fresh cream.
Maria's House
Vuldersstraat 5
8000 Brugge
0496/74 22 39
Vuldersstraat 5
8000 Brugge
0496/74 22 39